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Roamer/MST - Winding Crown - 5.00mm/P2.00/8.15OL - Ref #002

Regular price £19.95 Sale

Roamer/MST - Winding Crown - 5.00mm/P2.00/8.15OL - Ref #002

Condition - New old stock vintage crowns for Roamer/MST model watches. Supplied in small tub, may or may not come with pendant tube ( see photos ). Crowns are supplied with split stem piece pre fitted from factory ( except on WP crowns ). Crowns are tap 9 unless otherwise stated.

Width x Pendant x Overall Length

Lengths of each crown vary depending on model, please measure yours carefully !

Some crowns are split stem type and others are standard waterproof, always check photo.

Priced per crown. Ref # is our own reference not MST.